Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mystery Girl Episode 2

Thank you for the book, it was very enlightening, funny and sad at the same time.

Chris reminded me a lot about you. Coming to a strange place. Forced to be someone he's not.
But I hope you too manage to find your way like Chris. I know you have to do what you got to do.

Look at the cover. You are hanging. Waiting for something to change your luck. Well, the clock's ticking but you ain't getting nowhere. Just hold on to it, because you will find your way.

But after all I've said, it doesn't mean that I'm doing fine here thinking about you.

Here's my feelings.

There must've been a reason for our meeting.
What on earth were you thinking about dragging me into this?
Now I can't stop thinking about you. I stopped going there.
The time stopped. Everything stopped.
And I'm stuck waiting for something.
Waiting for you to help me get a closure.
Waiting for me to help you out of this jam.
Waiting for us to end this chapter.
You put me in this loop. Yes I'm pathetic.
But is it a sin for me to dream?
You needed a reason, I'm giving you one.
Stop running, I can help you.
Please, it worries me that you're running around KL with nowhere to go.
Where are you staying? Do you have money to eat?
Are you getting proper baths? Are you safe each night you're sleeping?
Yes, I'm obsessed.
You can't just jump in people's life and drop this and run away.
You've been running too long, stop now, you can start a new life.
Did you remember what we talked about?
About bleeding tears? About doubts and fears?
About paths cross with each other?
Now our paths lay entwined. We can't ignore that.
Wherever you are, please be safe.
You gave me little to care, but it's all I've been caring about.

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