Tuesday, March 30, 2010

60kg is not enough

Ok so far, the weight is staying between 61kg to 62kg alternating between the 2lbs...its safe to say that its solid at 132lbs..from 140lbs?! i lost 8lbs?! fuck

Ugh, lost my hard earn weight, just cuz i stopped working out...

Damn, i'm gonna start increasing my weight again, 2lbs a day. next stop, Next Monday---140pounds at least...i hope this works...

now back to stuffing more food inside me, force feed!!!


  1. apesal ko cekedut skang ni? bukan ko 70 plus ke

  2. ak max pena sampai 70, tapi skarng makan sikit, x workout, turun seyes bnyk, sebab aku asyek buat kardio je bakar lemak, abes berat aku, skrang nak kena tambah balek uh

  3. wahaha 80 jauhnya..nak kena kejar naek 70 balek dulu ni
